Informacije o obradi podataka
Kontrolor podataka
Naziv: Fanbase Kft.
Sjedište: 4029 Debrecen, Fényes udvar 13, 7. kat, vrata 24
Poštanska adresa, rješavanje pritužbi: 4029 Debrecen, Fényes udvar 13, 7. kat, vrata 24
Web stranica:
Hosting provider
Naziv: Rackforest Zrt.
Poštanska adresa: 1132 Budapest, Victor Hugo Street 11. 5. kat. B05001.
Adresa e-pošte:
Broj telefona: +36 1 211 0044
Opis obrade podataka koja se provodi tijekom rada webshopa
Ovaj dokument sadrži sve relevantne informacije o upravljanju podacima u vezi s radom webshopa, sukladno Općoj uredbi o zaštiti podataka Europske unije 2016/679 (u daljnjem tekstu: Uredba, GDPR) i Zakonu CXII iz 2011. (u daljnjem tekstu: Infotv.).Informacije o korištenju kolačića
Što je kolačić?
Voditelj obrade koristi tzv. kolačiće prilikom posjete web stranici. Kolačić je paket informacija koji se sastoji od slova i brojeva koje naša web stranica šalje vašem pregledniku kako bi spremila određene postavke, olakšala korištenje naše web stranice i pomogla nam prikupiti neke relevantne, statističke podatke o našim posjetiteljima.
Neki kolačići ne sadrže osobne podatke i nisu prikladni za identifikaciju pojedinog korisnika, ali neki sadrže jedinstveni identifikator - tajni, nasumično generirani niz brojeva - koji se pohranjuje na vašem uređaju, čime se osigurava vaša identifikacija. Razdoblje rada svakog kolačića uključeno je u odgovarajući opis svakog kolačića.
Pravna pozadina i pravni temelj kolačića:
U osnovi razlikujemo tri vrste kolačića: kolačiće koji su neophodni za pravilno funkcioniranje web stranice, kolačiće u statističke svrhe i kolačiće u marketinške svrhe.
Pravna osnova za obradu podataka je vaš pristanak u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. točkom (a) Uredbe u slučaju kolačića u statističke i marketinške svrhe, te legitimni interes potreban za osiguranje rada web stranice u skladu s člankom 6. ( 1)(f) Uredbe u slučaju kolačića potrebnih za rad.
Glavne karakteristike kolačića koje koristi web stranica:
Kolačići koji su neophodni za rad:
Ako ne prihvaćate korištenje ovih kolačića, određene značajke vam možda neće biti dostupne.
Strogo neophodni kolačići: Ovi kolačići su neophodni za korištenje web stranice i omogućuju korištenje osnovnih funkcionalnosti web stranice. Bez njih vam mnoge funkcionalnosti web stranice neće biti dostupne. Životni vijek ovih vrsta kolačića ograničen je samo na trajanje sesije.
Session cookies: These cookies store the visitor's location, browser language, payment currency, and their lifespan is until the browser is closed or a maximum of 2 hours.
Age-restricted content cookie: These cookies record the fact of approval of age-restricted content and that the data subject is over 18 years old, their lifespan lasts until the browser is closed.
Recommended products cookie: Records the list of products you want to recommend for the "recommend to a friend" function. Lifespan is 60 days.
Mobile version, design cookie: Detects the device the visitor is using and switches to full view on mobile. Lifespan 365 days.
Cookie acceptance cookie: When you arrive at the site, you accept the statement about storing cookies in the warning window. Its lifespan is 365 days.
Backend ID cookie: The ID of the backend server serving the page. Its lifespan lasts until the browser is closed.
currency Stores the customer's currency. Lifespan is 30 days.
externaFontsLoaded Helps load fonts. The cookie has a lifetime of 3 weeks.
NOCHACHE Speeds up website loading. Cookie lifetime: session length.
previousURL Save the previously visited page. Cookie lifetime: the length of the session.
PHPSESSID Used to identify the login. Cookie lifetime: the length of the session.
Cookies for statistical purposes:
Google Analytics cookie: Google Analytics is Google's analytics tool that helps website and app owners get a better understanding of their visitors' activities. The service may use cookies to collect information and report on website usage statistics without personally identifying visitors to Google. The main cookie used by Google Analytics is the "__ga" cookie. In addition to reporting on website usage statistics, Google Analytics, together with some of the advertising cookies described above, may also be used to show more relevant ads in Google products (such as Google Search) and across the web.
Cookies to improve user experience: These cookies collect information about the user's use of the website, for example, which pages are visited most often or what error messages are received from the website. These cookies do not collect information that identifies the visitor, i.e. they work with completely general, anonymous information. We use the data obtained from them to improve the performance of the website. The lifespan of this type of cookie is limited only to the duration of the session.
Last viewed product cookie: Records the products that were last viewed by the visitor. Their lifespan is 60 days.
Last viewed category cookie: Records the last viewed category. Lifespan is 60 days.
Cart cookie: Records the products placed in the cart. Lifespan 365 days.
Smart offer cookie: Records the conditions for displaying smart offers (e.g. whether the visitor has already been to the site, whether they have an order). Lifespan is 30 days.
referral Helps identify the previous source of visits. The cookie has a lifespan of 3 months.
Marketing cookies:
Google Ads cookie When someone visits our site, the visitor's cookie ID is added to the remarketing list. Google uses cookies, such as NID and SID cookies, to personalize the ads you see on Google products, such as Google Search. For example, Google uses such cookies to remember your recent searches, your previous interactions with ads or search results from individual advertisers, and your visits to advertisers' websites. AdWords conversion tracking uses cookies. Cookies are placed on a user's computer when a person clicks on an ad to track sales and other conversions resulting from an ad. Some common uses of cookies include: selecting ads based on what is relevant to the user, improving campaign performance reporting, and avoiding showing ads that the user has already seen.
Remarketing cookies: May be displayed to previous visitors or users when they browse other websites on the Google Display Network or search for terms related to your products or services.
Facebook pixel (Facebook cookie) The Facebook pixel is a code that is used to report on conversions on the website, create target audiences, and provide the website owner with detailed analysis data about the use of the website by visitors. With the help of the Facebook pixel, you can display personalized offers and advertisements to website visitors on the Facebook interface. You can read Facebook's data management policy here:
You can find more information about deleting cookies at the following links:
- Internet Explorer:
- Firefox:
- Mozilla:
- Safari:
- Chrome:
chrome/answer/95647 - Edge:
Google Consent Mode v2
The Data Controller has integrated Google Consent Mode v2 into its website and provides the management of consents and refusals based on the new version through its cookie panel. Based on Google Consent Mode v2, Google uses two additional flags in addition to the previous two ( analytics_storage , ad_storage ) which will be used to store and read cookies for statistical and advertising purposes:
- ad_user_data: Any user data that can be sent to Google for advertising purposes.
- ad_personalization: User data can be used for personalized advertising purposes, such as remarketing.
These two switches are used to determine whether the storage and reading of cookies for statistical and advertising purposes is permitted.
Data processed for the purpose of concluding and fulfilling contracts
In order to conclude and fulfill a contract, several data processing cases may be implemented. We inform you that data processing related to complaint handling and warranty administration will only be implemented if you exercise one of the aforementioned rights.
If you do not make purchases through the webshop, but are only a visitor to the webshop, then the provisions on data processing for marketing purposes may apply to you if you give us your consent for marketing purposes.
The data processing carried out for the purpose of concluding and fulfilling contracts is described in more detail:
Contact us
For example, if you contact us via email, contact form, or phone with a question about a product. Prior contact is not mandatory, and you can order from the webshop at any time without doing so.
Processed data
Data provided by you when contacting us.
Duration of data processing
We only process the data until the contact is completed.
Legal basis for data processing
Your voluntary consent, which you provide to the Data Controller by contacting us. [Data processing pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) of the Regulation]
Registration on the website
By storing the data provided during registration, the Data Controller can provide a more convenient service (e.g. the data subject does not have to provide their data again when making a new purchase). Registration is not a condition for concluding a contract.
Processed data
During data processing, the Data Controller processes your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, the characteristics of the purchased Goods and the date of purchase.
Duration of data processing
Until the withdrawal of consent.
Legal basis for data processing
Your voluntary consent, which you provide to the Data Controller upon registration [Data processing pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) of the Regulation]
Order processing
When processing orders, data processing activities are necessary to fulfill the contract.
Processed data
During data processing, the Data Controller processes your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, the characteristics of the purchased Goods, the order number and the date of purchase.
If you have placed an order in the webshop, data processing and providing data is essential for the fulfillment of the contract.
Duration of data processing
We process data for 5 years according to the civil law statute of limitations.
Legal basis for data processing
Performance of the contract. [Data processing pursuant to Article 6(1)(b) of the Regulation]
Issuance of the invoice
The data processing process is carried out in order to issue invoices in accordance with the law and to fulfill the obligation to retain accounting documents. Pursuant to Section 169 (1)-(2) of the Accounting Act, business companies must retain accounting documents that directly and indirectly support the accounting settlement.
Data processed
Name, address, email address
Duration of data management
Issued invoices must be kept for 8 years from the date of issue of the invoice, pursuant to Section 169 (2) of the Hungarian Revenue Act.
Legal basis for data processing
Pursuant to Section 159 (1) of Act CXXVII of 2007 on Value Added Tax, the issuance of an invoice is mandatory and it must be kept for 8 years pursuant to Section 169 (2) of Act C of 2000 on Accounting [Data processing pursuant to Article 6 (1) c) of the Regulation].
Data processing related to the transport of goods
The data processing process takes place in order to deliver the ordered product.
Processed data
Name, address, email address, telephone number.
Duration of data management
The Data Controller processes the data until the delivery of the ordered goods.
Legal basis for data processing
Performance of a contract [Data processing pursuant to Article 6(1)(b) of the Regulation].
Recipients and data processors of data processing related to the transport of goods
Name of the recipient: GLS General Logistics Systems Hungary Package Logistics Kft.
The addressee's registered office is: 2351 Alsónémedi, GLS Európa u. 2.
Recipient's phone number: 06-29-88-67-00
Recipient's email address:
Recipient's website:
The courier service assists in the delivery of the ordered goods based on a contract concluded with the Data Controller. The courier service processes the personal data received in accordance with the data processing information available on its website.
Name of the recipient: Magyar Posta Private Limited Company
The addressee's registered office is: 1138 Budapest, Dunavirág utca 2-6.
Recipient's phone number: +36-1/767-8200
Recipient's email address:
Recipient's website:
The courier service assists in the delivery of the ordered goods based on a contract concluded with the Data Controller. The courier service processes the personal data received in accordance with the data processing information available on its website.
Handling warranty and guarantee claims
Warranty and guarantee claims must be processed in accordance with the rules of Decree 19/2014 (IV. 29.) of the Ministry of National Education, which also determines how your claim should be handled.
Managed data
When handling warranty and guarantee claims, we must act in accordance with the rules of Decree 19/2014 (IV. 29.) of the Ministry of National Economy.
Based on the regulation, we are obliged to record a report on the warranty or guarantee claim reported to us, in which we record:
- your name, address and declaration that you consent to the processing of your data recorded in the minutes as specified in the regulation,
- the name and purchase price of the movable property sold under the contract concluded between you and us,
- the date of performance of the contract,
- the date of the error report,
- a description of the error,
- the right you wish to assert based on your warranty or guarantee claim, and
- the method of settling the warranty or guarantee claim or the reason for rejecting the claim or the right sought to be enforced based on it.
If we receive the purchased Goods from you, we must issue a receipt stating:
- your name and address,
- the data necessary to identify the thing,
- the date of receipt of the item, and
- the time when you can receive the repaired item.
Duration of data processing
The enterprise is obliged to keep the minutes of the consumer's warranty or guarantee claim for three years from the date of its recording and to present them to the supervisory authority upon request.
Legal basis for data processing
The legal basis for data processing is compliance with legal obligations pursuant to Regulation 19/2014 (IV. 29.) of the Ministry of National Education and Culture [Section 4 (1) and Section 6 (1)] [Data processing pursuant to Article 6 (1) c) of the Regulation].
Handling other consumer complaints
The data processing process is carried out in order to handle consumer complaints. If you have contacted us with a complaint, data processing and the provision of data is essential.
Processed data
Customer name, phone number, email address, content of complaint.
Duration of data processing
Warranty complaints are kept for 3 years in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act.
Legal basis for data processing
It is your voluntary decision whether to contact us with a complaint, however, if you contact us, we are obliged to keep the complaint for 3 years pursuant to Section 17/A. (7) of Act CLV of 1997 on Consumer Protection [Data processing pursuant to Article 6 (1) c) of the Regulation].
Data processed in connection with the verification of consent
During registration, ordering, or subscribing to the newsletter, the IT system stores the IT data related to the consent for later proof.
Data processed:
Date of consent and IP address of the data subject.
Duration of data processing
Due to legal requirements, consent must be proven later, therefore the duration of data storage is limited to the limitation period following the termination of data processing.
Legal basis for data processing
This obligation is provided for in Article 7(1) of the Regulation. [Data processing pursuant to Article 6(1)(c) of the Regulation]
Data processing for marketing purposes
Data processing related to sending newsletters
The data processing process is carried out for the purpose of sending newsletters.
Processed data
Name, address, email address, telephone number.
Duration of data processing
Until the data subject withdraws their consent.
Legal basis for data processing
Your voluntary consent, which you provide to the Data Controller by subscribing to the newsletter [Data processing pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) of the Regulation]
Data processing related to sending and displaying personalized advertising
The data processing process is carried out in order to send advertising content that is relevant to the interests of the data subject.
Processed data
Name, address, email address, telephone number.
Duration of data processing
Until the withdrawal of consent.
Legal basis for data processing
Your voluntary, specific consent, which you provide to the Data Controller during data collection [Data processing pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) of the Regulation]
Data management as a remarketing activity is implemented using cookies.
Data processed
Data processed by cookies as defined in the cookie policy.
Duration of data management
The data storage period of the given cookie, more information is available here:
Google general cookie information:
Google Analytics information:
Facebook information:
The legal basis for data processing is
your voluntary consent, which you provide to the Data Controller by using the website [Data processing pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) of the Regulation].
OTP SimplePay online bank card payment data transfer statement
I acknowledge that the following personal data stored by the data controller Fanbase Kft. (4029 Debrecen, Fényes udvar 13. 7/24) in the user database of will be transferred
to OTP Mobil Kft., as the data processor. The scope of the data transmitted by the data controller is as follows:
Customer name, company name (if any), address, e-mail address, telephone number .
The nature and purpose of the data processing activity carried out by the data processor can be viewed in the SimplePay Data Processing
Information, at the following link:
Processed data
Customer name, company name (if any), address, e-mail address, telephone number
Duration of data processing
Legal basis for data processing
Further data processing
If the Data Controller intends to carry out further data processing, it will provide prior information on the essential circumstances of the data processing (legal background and legal basis of data processing, purpose of data processing, scope of data processed, duration of data processing).
Recipients of personal data
Data processing for the storage of personal data
Name of the data processor: Rackforest Zrt.
Contact details of the data processor:
Phone number: +36 1 211 0044
Email address:
Headquarters: 1132 Budapest, Victor Hugo Street 11, 5th floor, B05001.
The Data Processor stores personal data based on a contract concluded with the Data Controller. It is not authorized to view personal data.
Data processing activities related to sending newsletters
Name of the company operating the newsletter sending system: Fanbase Kft.
Registered office of the company operating the newsletter system: 4029 Debrecen, Fényes udvar 13.
Telephone number of the company operating the newsletter sending system: +36 50 138 08 24
Email address of the company operating the newsletter system:
Website of the company operating the newsletter system:
The Data Processor participates in the sending of newsletters based on a contract concluded with the Data Controller. In doing so, the Data Processor processes the name and e-mail address of the data subject to the extent necessary for sending the newsletter.
Billing-related data processing
Name of the data processor: Billingo Technologies Private Limited Company
The data processor's registered office is: 1133 Budapest, Árbóc utca 6, 1st floor.
Data processor's telephone number: +36-1/500-9491
Data processor's email address:
The data processor's website:
The Data Processor cooperates in the registration of accounting documents based on a contract concluded with the Data Controller. In the course of this, the Data Processor processes the name and address of the data subject to the extent necessary for the accounting registration, for a period in accordance with Section 169 (2) of the Personal Data Act, and then deletes it.
Data processing related to online payments
Name of the data controller: PayPal (Europe) S.à rl et Cie, SCA
The registered office of the data controller is: 22-24 Boulevard Royal L-2449 Luxembourg
Data controller's telephone number:
Data controller's email address:
The data controller's website:
The payment service provider participates in the implementation of the Online payment based on a contract concluded with the Data Controller, for which purpose data is transferred to the online payment service provider during the purchase process. In the process, the online payment service provider processes the billing name, name and address of the data subject, the order number and date in accordance with its own data management rules.
The purpose of data transmission is to provide the online payment service provider with the transaction data necessary for the payment transaction initiated by the online payment service provider related to the purchase.
Legal basis for data transfer: performance of the contract concluded between you and the Data Controller pursuant to Article 6(1)(b) of the Regulation, which includes payment by the buyer, and in the case of online payment, data transfer pursuant to this point is required for payment
Name of the data controller: OTP Mobil Szolgáltató Kft.
The data controller's registered office is: 1143 Budapest, Hungária krt. 17-19.
Data controller's telephone number: +36 1/20/30/70 3-666-611
The data controller's e-mail address:
The data controller's website:
The payment service provider participates in the implementation of the Online payment based on a contract concluded with the Data Controller, for which purpose data is transferred to the online payment service provider during the purchase process. In the process, the online payment service provider processes the billing name, name and address of the data subject, the order number and date in accordance with its own data management rules.
The purpose of data transmission is to provide the online payment service provider with the transaction data necessary for the payment transaction initiated by the online payment service provider related to the purchase.
Legal basis for data transfer: performance of the contract concluded between you and the Data Controller pursuant to Article 6(1)(b) of the Regulation, which includes payment by the buyer, and in the case of online payment, data transfer pursuant to this point is required for payment
Your rights during data processing
Within the period of data processing, you have the following rights in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation:
- the right to withdraw consent
- access to personal data and information about data processing
- right to rectification
- restriction of data processing,
- right to erasure
- right to protest
- right to portability.
If you wish to exercise your rights, this will involve your identification, and the Data Controller will necessarily have to communicate with you. Therefore, for the purpose of identification, it will be necessary to provide personal data (but identification may only be based on data that the Data Controller already processes about you), and your complaints regarding data processing will be available in the Data Controller's email account within the period specified in this information regarding complaints. If you were our customer and would like to identify yourself for the purpose of complaint management or warranty administration, please also provide your order ID for identification. Using this, we can also identify you as a customer.
The Data Controller will respond to complaints related to data processing within 30 days at the latest.
Right to withdraw consent
You have the right to withdraw your consent to data processing at any time, in which case we will delete the data you have provided from our systems. However, please note that in the case of an order that has not yet been fulfilled, withdrawal may result in us not being able to deliver it to you. In addition, if the purchase has already been made, we cannot delete billing-related data from our systems based on accounting regulations, and if you have a debt to us, we may process your data based on our legitimate interest in collecting the debt even if you withdraw your consent.
Access to personal data
You have the right to receive feedback from the Data Controller as to whether your personal data is being processed and, if processing is in progress, you have the right to:
- obtain access to the personal data processed and
- The Data Controller shall inform you of the following information:
- the purposes of data processing;
- the categories of personal data processed about you;
- information about the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed by the Data Controller;
- the planned period for which the personal data will be stored or, if this is not possible, the criteria for determining this period;
- your right to request from the Data Controller the rectification, erasure or restriction of processing of personal data concerning you, and to object to the processing of such personal data where processing is based on legitimate interest;
- the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority;
- if the data was not collected from you, all available information about its source;
- the fact of automated decision-making (if such a procedure is used), including profiling, and at least in these cases, understandable information about the logic involved and the significance and likely consequences of such processing for you.
The purpose of exercising the right may be to establish and verify the lawfulness of data processing, therefore, in the event of multiple requests for information, the Data Controller may charge a fair fee in exchange for providing the information.
The Data Controller provides access to personal data by sending you the processed personal data and information by email after you have been identified. If you have registered, we provide access by logging into your user account to view and check the personal data processed about you.
Please indicate in your request whether you are requesting access to personal data or information related to data processing.
Right to rectification
You have the right to request that the Data Controller correct inaccurate personal data concerning you without delay.
Right to restrict data processing
You have the right to request that the Data Controller restrict data processing if one of the following applies:
- You dispute the accuracy of the personal data, in which case the restriction applies for a period of time that allows the Data Controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data; if the accuracy of the data can be determined immediately, the restriction will not apply;
the data processing is unlawful, but you oppose the deletion of the data for any reason (for example, because the data is important to you for the enforcement of a legal claim), therefore you do not request the deletion of the data, but instead request the restriction of its use;
the Data Controller no longer needs the personal data for the specified data processing purposes, but you require them for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims; or
- You have objected to the data processing, but the legitimate interest of the Data Controller may also justify the data processing, in which case, until it is determined whether the legitimate grounds of the Data Controller override your legitimate grounds, the data processing must be restricted.
Where processing is subject to restrictions, such personal data may be processed, with the exception of storage, only with the consent of the data subject, or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, or for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person, or for important public interest reasons of the Union or of a Member State.
The data controller will inform you in advance (at least 3 working days before the restriction is lifted) about the lifting of the restriction on data processing.
Right to erasure - right to be forgotten
You have the right to have the Data Controller erase personal data concerning you without undue delay if one of the following reasons applies:
- the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed by the Data Controller;
- You withdraw your consent and there is no other legal basis for the processing;
- You object to processing based on legitimate interest and there is no overriding legitimate reason (i.e. legitimate interest) for the processing,
- the personal data was processed unlawfully by the Data Controller and this was established based on the complaint,
- the personal data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation under Union or Member State law applicable to the Controller.
If the Data Controller has made personal data processed about you public for any legitimate reason and is obliged to erase them for any of the reasons indicated above, it is obliged to take reasonable steps, taking into account available technology and the cost of implementation, including technical measures, to inform other data controllers processing the data that you have requested the erasure of links to the personal data in question or of copies or replications of these personal data.
Erasure does not apply if data processing is necessary:
- for the purpose of exercising the right to freedom of expression and information;
- for the purpose of fulfilling an obligation under Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject to which the personal data must be processed (such as processing in the context of invoicing, as the retention of the invoice is required by law), or for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller;
- to submit, enforce or defend legal claims (e.g. if the Data Controller has a claim against you and has not yet fulfilled it, or a consumer or data processing complaint is in progress).
Right to object
You have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data based on legitimate interests, on grounds relating to your particular situation. In such a case, the Controller shall not process the personal data any longer, unless it demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms, or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.
If the processing of personal data is carried out for the purpose of direct marketing, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you for this purpose, including profiling insofar as it is related to direct marketing. If you object to the processing of personal data for the purpose of direct marketing, the personal data shall no longer be processed for this purpose.
Right to portability
If the data processing is carried out by automated means or if the data processing is based on your voluntary consent, you have the right to request from the Data Controller to receive the data you have provided to the Data Controller, which the Data Controller will make available to you in xml, JSON, or csv format, if this is technically feasible, you may request that the Data Controller transmit the data in this form to another data controller.
Automated decision-making
You have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing (including profiling) which produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you. In such cases, the Controller shall take suitable measures to safeguard the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the data subject, including at least the right to obtain human intervention on the part of the controller, to express his or her point of view and to object to the decision.
The above does not apply if the decision:
- Necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract between you and the Data Controller;
- is permitted by Union or Member State law applicable to the Controller, which also lays down suitable measures to protect your rights and freedoms and legitimate interests; or
- based on your express consent.
Logging into the data protection register
According to the provisions of the Infotv., the Data Controller had to report certain data processing operations to the data protection register. This reporting obligation ceased on May 25, 2018.
Data security measures
The Data Controller declares that it has taken appropriate security measures to protect personal data against unauthorized access, alteration, transmission, disclosure, deletion or destruction, as well as against accidental destruction and damage, as well as against inaccessibility resulting from changes in the technology used.
The Data Controller will do everything within its organizational and technical capabilities to ensure that its Data Processors also take appropriate data security measures when working with your personal data.
Legal remedies
If you believe that the Data Controller has violated any legal provision relating to data processing or has not fulfilled any of your requests, you may initiate an investigation procedure with the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority in order to terminate the allegedly unlawful data processing (correspondence address: 1363 Budapest, Pf. 9., e-mail:, telephone numbers: +36 (30) 683-5969 +36 (30) 549-6838; +36 (1) 391 1400).
We also inform you that in the event of a violation of the legal provisions relating to data processing, or if the Data Controller has not fulfilled any of your requests, you may file a civil lawsuit against the Data Controller in court.
Modification of data processing information
The Data Controller reserves the right to amend this data management information in a way that does not affect the purpose and legal basis of the data management. By using the website after the amendment comes into force, you accept the amended data management information.
If the Data Controller intends to carry out further data processing in relation to the collected data for a purpose other than the purpose for which it was collected, it will inform you of the purpose of the data processing and the following information prior to further data processing:
- trajanje pohrane osobnih podataka ili, ako to nije moguće, kriterije za određivanje trajanja;
- pravo od Voditelja obrade zatražiti pristup, ispravak, brisanje ili ograničenje obrade Vaših osobnih podataka te prigovoriti obradi Vaših osobnih podataka u slučaju obrade koja se temelji na legitimnom interesu te zatražiti pravo na podatke prenosivost u slučaju obrade na temelju privole ili ugovornog odnosa;
- u slučaju obrade podataka na temelju privole, da svoju privolu možete povući u bilo kojem trenutku,
- pravo na podnošenje pritužbe nadzornom tijelu;
- temelji li se davanje osobnih podataka na temelju zakonske ili ugovorne obveze ili je preduvjet za sklapanje ugovora te jeste li dužni dati osobne podatke, kao i moguće posljedice nedavanja podataka;
- činjenica automatiziranog donošenja odluka (ako se takav postupak koristi), uključujući profiliranje, i barem u ovim slučajevima, razumljive informacije o uključenoj logici te značaju i mogućim posljedicama takve obrade za vas.
Obrada podataka može započeti tek nakon toga, ako je pravna osnova za obradu podataka privola, uz informiranje morate pristati i na obradu podataka.